“Our bespoke methodologies and advisory services help you understand, plan and deliver in complex environments.”


Trip Risk Assessment Framework (TRAF)

  • Outlines Key Security Risks

  • Addresses Possible Threats

  • Concise and Simple Brief

  • Itinerary Includes Profile, Travel History and Organisational Policy


A TRAF is a personalised assessment based on every trip’s individual requirements.

Detailed Situation Assessments


For a longer-term presence in medium- or high-risk locations.

Our Regional Security Advisors deploy to advise and help you plan security and operations.

  • In-depth Security Assessments

  • Conflict and Political Assessment

  • A Detailed and Costed Operations Platform

  • Flexible and Scalable To Your Requirements

Security Management

  • Comprehensive Review Platforms and Security Policies

  • Duty of Care and Safeguarding Assessments

  • Policy and Processes Design

  • Critical Incident Management and Safeguarding Capacity Building


We work with you to improve and stress-test security management processes in your business or organisation.

Spearfish were in touch with our staff almost immediately. Because the RSA was on the ground he was able to organise the logistics in person and stay in touch with our team throughout the trip if necessary.
— Programme Manager - DEVELOPMENT SECTOR